Webshop Front Office Features


Overview of the most important Webshop Front Office Features

General Front Office Features

Webshop type One Adv Prof
Quick search with images No Yes Yes
Price display: with or without VAT No No Yes
Filter relevance, brand, price ... No Yes Yes
Product manuals, drawings ... No Yes Yes
Display of most sold products No Yes Yes
Special offers sliders and stickers Yes Yes Yes
Select products by brand, price... No Yes Yes
Advertisements: banners, stickers … Lim Lim Yes
Customer reviews (testemonials) No Yes Yes
Extensive product and category texts No Lim Yes
Compare products No Yes Yes
Add to wishlist and send by e-mail No Yes Yes
Multiple images per product No Yes Yes
Autoscaling of images Yes Yes Yes
Zoom-in function on product images Yes Yes Yes
Watermark in product images Yes Yes Yes
Out of stock E-mail notification No Yes Yes
Display available quantity No Yes Yes
Send to a friend option No Yes Yes
Price count down counter No Yes Yes
Coupons and gift vouchers No Yes Yes
Customer reviews and product appreciation No Yes Yes
Order as a birthday gift No Yes Yes
Order in ECO or gift box No Yes Yes

Graphic Design

Webshop type One Adv Prof
Company logo and/or wordmark Yes Yes Yes
Retina logo - high resolution No Yes Yes
Responsive - smartphone, tablet, desktop Yes Bas Adv
Favicon, buttons, icons and stickers Lim Bas Adv
Colors: buttons, icons, links, background Lim Bas Adv
Different background colors and images No Bas Adv
Google fonts in different sizes and colors No Bas Adv
Advanced main menu - flexible design No Yes Yes
Custom settings and colors for mobile No Yes Yes
Advanced sliders, banners, stickers... No Bas Adv

Content Management - CMS

Webshop type One Adv Prof
Unlimited number of CMS content pages No Yes Yes
Flexible templates for CMS pages No Yes Adv
Video, images, tables and HTML input No Yes Yes
Page layout in page No Yes Adv
Search engine indexation Bas Adv Adv
Meta data input Yes Yes Yes
Friendly URL Yes Yes Yes

Blog & News

Webshop type One Adv Prof
Blog view in Photo Grid, Sliders, Video No Bas Yes
Blog recent articles No Bas Yes
Blog featured articles No Bas Yes
Blog categories No Bas Yes
Blog archive list per month/ year No Bas Yes
Blog keywords / tags No Bas Yes
Blog Reader Comments No Bas Yes
Link related products No Bas Yes

Increase Sales

Webshop type One Adv Prof
1-page checkout Yes Yes Yes
Easy guest checkout Yes Yes Yes
Place a follow-up order in one click No Yes Yes
Determine a minimum order amount Yes Yes Yes
Cross- and Up-selling No Yes Yes
Link related products No Yes Yes
Product wishlist No Yes Yes
Re-order No Yes Yes
Product bundles No Yes Adv

Ordering and Payment

Webshop type One Adv Prof
Short ordering and checkout process Yes Yes Yes
Coupons and gift vouchers No Yes Yes
Order as a birthday gift No Yes Yes
Order with eco or gift packaging No Yes Yes
Separate billing and delivery addresses Yes Yes Yes
National and international payments Lim Bas Adv

