General Front Office Features
Webshop type | One | Adv | Prof |
Quick search with images | No | Yes | Yes |
Price display: with or without VAT | No | No | Yes |
Filter relevance, brand, price ... | No | Yes | Yes |
Product manuals, drawings ... | No | Yes | Yes |
Display of most sold products | No | Yes | Yes |
Special offers sliders and stickers | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Select products by brand, price... | No | Yes | Yes |
Advertisements: banners, stickers … | Lim | Lim | Yes |
Customer reviews (testemonials) | No | Yes | Yes |
Extensive product and category texts | No | Lim | Yes |
Compare products | No | Yes | Yes |
Add to wishlist and send by e-mail | No | Yes | Yes |
Multiple images per product | No | Yes | Yes |
Autoscaling of images | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Zoom-in function on product images | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Watermark in product images | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Out of stock E-mail notification | No | Yes | Yes |
Display available quantity | No | Yes | Yes |
Send to a friend option | No | Yes | Yes |
Price count down counter | No | Yes | Yes |
Coupons and gift vouchers | No | Yes | Yes |
Customer reviews and product appreciation | No | Yes | Yes |
Order as a birthday gift | No | Yes | Yes |
Order in ECO or gift box | No | Yes | Yes |
Graphic Design
Webshop type | One | Adv | Prof |
Company logo and/or wordmark | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Retina logo - high resolution | No | Yes | Yes |
Responsive - smartphone, tablet, desktop | Yes | Bas | Adv |
Favicon, buttons, icons and stickers | Lim | Bas | Adv |
Colors: buttons, icons, links, background | Lim | Bas | Adv |
Different background colors and images | No | Bas | Adv |
Google fonts in different sizes and colors | No | Bas | Adv |
Advanced main menu - flexible design | No | Yes | Yes |
Custom settings and colors for mobile | No | Yes | Yes |
Advanced sliders, banners, stickers... | No | Bas | Adv |
Content Management - CMS
Webshop type | One | Adv | Prof |
Unlimited number of CMS content pages | No | Yes | Yes |
Flexible templates for CMS pages | No | Yes | Adv |
Video, images, tables and HTML input | No | Yes | Yes |
Page layout in page | No | Yes | Adv |
Search engine indexation | Bas | Adv | Adv |
Meta data input | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Friendly URL | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Blog & News
Webshop type | One | Adv | Prof |
Blog view in Photo Grid, Sliders, Video | No | Bas | Yes |
Blog recent articles | No | Bas | Yes |
Blog featured articles | No | Bas | Yes |
Blog categories | No | Bas | Yes |
Blog archive list per month/ year | No | Bas | Yes |
Blog keywords / tags | No | Bas | Yes |
Blog Reader Comments | No | Bas | Yes |
Link related products | No | Bas | Yes |
Increase Sales
Webshop type | One | Adv | Prof |
1-page checkout | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Easy guest checkout | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Place a follow-up order in one click | No | Yes | Yes |
Determine a minimum order amount | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Cross- and Up-selling | No | Yes | Yes |
Link related products | No | Yes | Yes |
Product wishlist | No | Yes | Yes |
Re-order | No | Yes | Yes |
Product bundles | No | Yes | Adv |
Ordering and Payment
Webshop type | One | Adv | Prof |
Short ordering and checkout process | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Coupons and gift vouchers | No | Yes | Yes |
Order as a birthday gift | No | Yes | Yes |
Order with eco or gift packaging | No | Yes | Yes |
Separate billing and delivery addresses | Yes | Yes | Yes |
National and international payments | Lim | Bas | Adv |